
The type of food you eat can have a direct impact on how you look and feel. The same is true when it comes to the nutrition of your pets. Cats and dogs can experience digestive issues, food sensitivities, and preferences for certain types of food. Optimizing the nutrition of your animals can help you maximize their quality of life and longevity. Simple changes in nutrition have the potential to change a lethargic or sickly pet into an active and healthy member of your family. If you are concerned about your animal's nutrition or want to learn more about how you can maximize their health with proper nutrition, contact us today.

Weight Management

As your pets age, their weight can naturally begin to gradually increase and lead to decreased mobility and other health issues. There are a number of things that can contribute to weight gain, including improper nutrition, lack of exercise, and underlying health conditions. At our East Texas Vet locations, we can help you get your pet’s weight back to a healthy range through our weight management program. We will work with you to customize a weight management plan that will get your animals back on the path to being healthy and active.